One of the most well-liked, frequently consumed, and healthy foods on the market right now have been hailed as rice. It has a low-fat content and a high carbohydrate content, all of which help the body function properly and keep a high level of health.
You are aware of how time-consuming it can be if you have ever cooked rice the old-fashioned way, in a pot. What is the maximum amount of time that rice can be kept in a rice cooker?
If your rice cooker is unplugged and left at room temperature, it only takes two hours for the rice to become unsafe, but you can extend this time by using the keep warm feature found on the majority of rice cookers. As long as the temperature of the rice remains above 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) while the warm function is on, it is safe to consume the rice for up to 12 hours. This is because the Bacillus cereus bacteria prefer warmer temperatures.
The key information about rice is presented in this article. Let’s start!
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Table of Contents
How Does a Rice Cooker Operate?
Not too long ago, people used to boil rice until they tested it to see if it was finished. Even people can occasionally misjudge when the rice is cooked. I’m left wondering: how does the rice cooker always stop cooking rice at the right moment and delivers perfectly cooked rice?
It has to do with the science and technology that went into making the device. High-rated stainless steel rice cookers are common on the market, and many people prefer them for their durability and quality.
As soon as the appliance is turned on, the heating element generates heat that is transferred to the cooking bowl.
As a result, you must remember to cook rice in rice cookers with the proper amount of water and rice. The water at the bottom heats up to its maximum point as the temperature rises, causing steaming.
The remaining water is then absorbed by the rice, but the thermostat keeps the temperature from increasing and burning it. The rice is instead cooked until there is no longer any water in the bowl by maintaining a constant temperature. The rice cooker shuts off when the water is completely absorbed.
How Long Can You Keep Rice In A Rice Cooker?
The rice cooker typically needs 20 minutes to finish cooking. The amount of rice you are cooking, the type of rice, and the power mode all affect how long the rice will take to cook.
The appliance will go into keep-warm mode after it has finished cooking and remain in that state until you manually turn it off.
Even if the spores are still alive at that point, your rice is okay to eat.
The likelihood that spores will break open and ruin your rice increases with passing time.
On the other hand, if you remove the rice and leave it at room temperature, don’t wait more than a few hours to eat it. You will then start to notice the telltale signs of bad rice, such as yellowing, softening, and crumbling.
Fortunately, you can leave it in the rice cooker for a longer period of time.
To sum up, you can leave the cooked rice in for two hours without any risk. Cooked rice kept at room temperature after two hours won’t be fit for consumption. So it’s crucial to understand how to store rice properly.
It is completely safe to keep rice in the rice cooker for a number of hours, but only for a maximum of ten to twelve.

Why Does Rice In A Rice Cooker Spoil Quickly?
If you are experiencing consistent rice spoilage every time you make a new batch, see if any of the following issues are happening.
- Your rice may spoil while it is still in the rice cooker if your rice cooker does not automatically switch to the warm setting when the rice is finished cooking.
- Your rice cooker’s non-stick surface may become damaged, allowing bacteria to develop there and contaminate your rice. It is practically impossible to combat this, and at this point, it is usually simpler to buy a new rice cooker.
- Your rice could be coming into contact with bare aluminum in your non-anodized aluminum insert, which could cause a chemical reaction. Your rice will deteriorate as a result of this chemical reaction.
- If your rice cooker has had a previous incident with rice spoiling, bacterial spores may have gotten stuck on the gaskets or vents and caused subsequent batches of rice to spoil. Purchase a new rice cooker or disassemble your current one, then bleach it with 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. After, give yourself a thorough wash and give yourself a cold water rinse.
- Human error; if you lift the lid excessively, cold air may seep in and lead to a mismatch in the temperature environment, resulting in the temperature danger zone.
- Your rice cooker is allowing the moist environment to support the growth of bacteria that ruins your rice because it is not keeping the rice out of the temperature danger zone.
Read More: How to Keep Rice from Boiling Over?
How Long Can Cooked Rice Be Stored In The Fridge?
Rice can be safely kept in the refrigerator for four to six days if it is put there within an hour of cooking. Throw away any rice that has changed in texture, color, or smell.
You can reheat it and eat it as long as the texture, flavor, color, and aroma are all satisfactory.
You should only reheat leftover rice once, and you shouldn’t store it in the refrigerator or rice cooker.
What Happens If Leaving Rice In A Rice Cooker Too Long?
The moisture in rice grains slowly evaporates as the keep-warm function warms the bottom of the cooking bowl. The outcome is dry rice. Bacterial spores split open and begin to grow after the entire moisture evaporates. Because of this, the rice spoils and is unsafe to eat.
Furthermore, while leaving the rice cooker on for a full twelve hours poses no risk to the appliance, the rice that is stored is unfit for consumption.
Rice can only be left unattended for that long as long as the keep-warm feature maintains a temperature above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. You can shorten the time and store the rice cooker for no more than eight hours if your rice cooker can’t maintain that high temperature.
Do Safe Storage Options Differ For Different Rice?
More than 400 different varieties of rice exist. When stored uncooked, different varieties of rice have comparable shelf lives. When kept uncooked in the kitchen cabinet, refrigerator, or freezer, common varieties like white rice, basmati, wild rice, and jasmine rice have an endless shelf life.
On the other hand, brown rice has a short shelf life. It can be kept in the refrigerator for a year or in the kitchen cabinet for a maximum of six months. The best brands of brown rice should last for a maximum of 18 months in the freezer.
While the cooking times for the various types of rice in a rice cooker differ, the safe storage time remains the same. If the temperature in the rice cooker is greater than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, you can leave them in there for 12 hours. All types, when stored cooked, shouldn’t be kept for longer than six days in the refrigerator and one month in the freezer.
Is It Safe To Reheat Rice?
It might not be a good idea to reheat rice that was previously stored at a temperature lower than 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Rice grains might have bacteria, and reheating it won’t kill already multiplied bacteria.
Serving and reheating foods that are prone to spoilage, like rice, are governed by laws in the USA. For the food to be secure for reheating and serving in restaurants, it must be cooled down and kept at the proper temperatures.
If cooked rice is kept in the refrigerator, it can be reheated and is then safe to eat, such as in fried rice. But before you eat your fried rice, make sure you know the best method for reheating it. When in doubt, toss it in the trash if you notice any odd markings or strange odors.
How To Store Cooked Rice?
For ten to twelve hours at a temperature higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, you can keep the cooked rice in the rice cooker as I mentioned above.
As an alternative, you can cool down cooked rice as soon as possible after cooking it and keep it in a refrigerator where the temperature stays below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spreading rice out on a baking sheet and leaving it for ten to fifteen minutes is the quickest way to cool it down. Use a zip-lock bag or another container for food storage with a lid to store it after that.
What Happens If You Eat Spoiled Rice?
Vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach aches are among the typical food poisoning symptoms that can be found in spoiled rice. The symptoms typically start to show up 30 minutes to 6 hours after eating bad rice.
However, 16 hours after consuming spoiled rice, Bacillus cereus spores can germinate in your stomach and result in diarrhea if you eat them.
Mild symptoms of food poisoning disappear approximately after several hours after they appear. If you consume more bad rice, it might take you a day to recover completely, but there won’t be any negative effects.
To heal, take a nap and drink some water. You should see a doctor if your symptoms don’t improve within 24 hours or if they get worse.
How To Use Leftover Rice?
If you have leftover rice, you can use it in a variety of inventive recipes. Use the leftovers to make shacks or other rice dishes rather than throwing them away.
But be sure to use the leftover rice that you’ve kept in the freezer or refrigerator. If you want to use frozen rice in some of the following recipes, you can defrost it using a great defrosting tray.
Here are some quick and simple recipes for using up leftover rice.
Rice Pudding
Who doesn’t adore rich and creamy rice pudding? All you need is leftover rice, milk, sugar, and your favorite spice. Making the classic rice pudding known as kheer is possible using cinnamon and cardamom.
Rice Cutlets
All ages enjoy making and eating cutlets because they are simple to prepare. They are simple to make using boiled potatoes.
Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, and any additional spices to the cooked rice and boiled potatoes in a large bowl. Create tiny cutlets, then fry them in a pan.
Although they can be served as a side dish, I prefer them with coriander chutney.
Carrot Rice
One of my favorite filling meals is carrot rice. It is a complete meal and makes for a great snack. Add leftover rice, fresh herbs, and spices to a pan with grated carrots and onions. To enhance the flavors, generously drizzle lemon juice and olive oil over the dish. To create the ideal fusion, use fresh basil.
Tips To Deal With Cooked Rice
- After preparing the rice, it is best to begin the storing process within 1-2 hours. After that, cool any leftovers or dishes that contain the product as quickly as you can and place them in the refrigerator.
- If storing a lot, move it to a clean container and spread it evenly and as thinly as possible over the bottom of the dish.
- After being kept in a refrigerator (at or below 40°C), rice is best consumed the same day. If stored properly, though, it can last for longer. I have successfully stored mine for up to 5 days, and it was still fine to eat. Directly from the USA Rice Federation, this time is advised.
- Never reheat leftover rice more than once.